Why should mums pursue their passion?

Published on 19 July 2023 at 17:34

I noticed in recent years, there has been a heartening trend of mothers embracing entrepreneurship and starting home-based businesses to pursue personal dreams while prioritising motherhood.  The rise of mums choosing to follow their passion and open home-based businesses is a beautiful testament to the empowerment of women in the modern world. By prioritizing their roles as mothers while pursuing their dreams, these enterprising women exemplify the strength and resilience of motherhood

I am proud to be one of them. I always wanted to be a mum, just like I always wanted to be a boss. I have enjoyed looking after my not so little anymore girl. But I felt like I needed more, like there was so much more I could give and share with the world. Why did I start my home-based business? And why you should  pursue your dream of being your own boss, too?

Prioritizing Being a Mum.

Being a mum will always be my most important role. However, I found myself  torn between my career and raising my child. You are lucky if you find a job that works around your school hours. Mine didn't.  Traditional jobs often demand rigid schedules, long commutes, and limited autonomy. Starting a home-based business puts mums in the driver's seat, allowing them to work on their terms. Home-based businesses gave me the flexibility to create a better work-life balance. This level of flexibility empowers mums to juggle their multiple roles seamlessly, enhancing their productivity and job satisfaction. It empowered me. 

Doing What You Love

Passion is the fuel that drives dreams.  Home-based businesses offers the perfect avenue for turning these passions into profitable ventures. Whether it's baking, crafting, writing, or providing professional services, mums can create businesses centered around their interests and talents.

Working on something you love not only boosts your confidence but also enriches your life. When your work is fueled by passion, it becomes a source of joy and fulfillment, making the journey of mumpreneurship even more rewarding. 

I absolutely love creating wedding stationery, photo albums, cards or digital designs. I love it when my customers get back to me saying how much they love my creations, it makes me love my job even more. I will never get bored of creating another piece of art, especially when it can earn me some money too, while I enjoy my time at home with my daughter.

here are some more reasons I found for mums to follow their dreams:

Setting a Positive Example

By following your passions, you teach your kids the value of self-discovery, perseverance, and living authentically. This encourages children to explore their own interests and ambitions, fostering a supportive and open-minded environment.

Personal Fulfillment

Pursuing your passion brings a sense of personal fulfillment and happiness. When you engage in activities  you love, it boosts your self-esteem and overall well-being. This positive mindset can extend to other areas of your life, including your roles as mum, making you more content and emotionally balanced.

Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

Pursuing a passion often involves creative thinking and problem-solving. These skills are so valuable in both personal and professional life. Mums who nurture their creativity through their passions may find it easier to approach challenges in parenting and daily life with innovative solutions. 

Increased Productivity

When you engage in activities  you are passionate about, you are more likely to stay motivated and focused. This heightened sense of purpose can lead to increased productivity in your work, family life, and other responsibilities.

Improved Mental Health

Mental health is such a big issue these days. Did you know that pursuing a passion can act as a stress-reliever and a healthy outlet for emotions? It provides a break from the routine and allows you to recharge and rejuvenate, reducing the risk of burnout and improving your overall mental health. Another thing I wanted to share, is whenever I feel down, or exhausted, or just need a moment to myself, i like to go to my office and start creating something. It relaxes me, brings back joy and confidence, motivates me, makes me feel better. Is there something you like to do that relaxes you or makes you forget about the world for a moment? Follow it!

Expanded Social Circle

Pursuing a passion often leads to connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar interests. This can lead to forming new friendships and joining communities or networks where they can gain support, encouragement, and inspiration. This is how I met a few of my friends - some became my best friends. We encourage and motivate one other, and often remember the day our passion led us to meet each other. These are the friendships for life I will always be grateful for. 

Financial Opportunities

If you really are passionate about a specific skill or talent, turning it into a home-based business can provide additional income and financial security. Don't wait, don't waist your talent or skill. Just share it with the world and enjoy extra income.

Lifelong Learning and Growth

When you pursue a passion you constantly learning and improving. It's not just about learning or improving your skills. You also learn more about yourself. Whether it's through taking courses, attending workshops, or seeking mentors, you can keep your mind engaged and continually evolve as individual. 

Increased Happiness in Parenting

Happy mum = happy life. When you, as a mum, are fulfilled and satisfied in your personal life, you are more likely to approach parenting with a positive attitude. Parenting can be challenging, I know. But having a hobby that you can do from home, even involve your kids, can be beneficial for both you and your family. 


I encourage you, mum, to follow your passion, whatever your dream. Life is short, unpredictable, and time is precious. Follow your passion - it is essential for your personal growth, well-being, and overall happiness. I am here to help you start the journey. 

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Why should mums pursue their passion?

I noticed in recent years, there has been a heartening trend of mothers embracing entrepreneurship and starting home-based businesses to pursue personal dreams while prioritising motherhood.  The rise of mums choosing to follow their passion and open home-based businesses is a beautiful testament to the empowerment of women in the modern world. By prioritizing their roles as mothers while pursuing their dreams, these enterprising women exemplify the strength and resilience of motherhood

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